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Where DEKA makes the difference
Alexandrite, Nd:YAG, and FT Pulsed Light: Three Sources to Meet Every Demand
Physicians worldwide agree that the Alexandrite and Nd:YAG wavelengths are the most efficacious for hair removal treatments. While Alexandrite is universally recognised as the most effective laser source for hair removal in fair skins, the Nd:YAG laser is the most widely used for treating dark skins.
Today DEKA anticipates the future introducing a NEW Alexandrite source: the fastest and most powerfull in the world. The fastet because it works up to 3 Hz, while the standard is still 2 Hz! The most powerfull because it reaches 125 watts, 25% more than any other laser in the market!
Other than these increased performances the Alexandrite laser source can deliver energetic pulses with pulse length under 2 ms, down to 0.2 ms. Another incredible adavantage for skin rejuvenation and pigmented lesions treatments.
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Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB)
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Practical, ergonomic pulsed-light handpieces with interchangeable filter
Cold laser epilation by means of neodymium laser
It is done by everybody: by men and women. There are number of means. Each person makes a decision himself and finds balance between quality, safety and pain. And all of them have one dream – that someone in the future to invent such means, which will be ideal according to all parameters. Very few know that the future has already come!
Anybody, who has tried apparatus epilation even once at the beauty salon, must know that program includes cooling cream-gel or even blowing, it is forbidden to use solarium procedures before or after procedures. And of course, the most negative factor is a pain. We know how to avoid unpleasant feelings during epilation.
We won’t use cooling during cold laser epilation. There is no need for cooling of skin – as skin isn’t heated. Low temperatures influence only hair, destroy its initial structure. This method of epilation hits the target directly and doesn’t touch other tissues.
Cold laser epilation by means of neodymium laser don’t make you to change your regular life-style. There are no restrictions – you can get tanned before and after procedures. There is the only indication – to restrict water procedures during 2-3 days within the reasonable limits.
Color of skin doesn’t matter for successful results in case of cool epilation by means of neodymium laser (including VI photo-type).
Why is the procedure painless?
It is well-known that after bad burn of skin no hair grows on injured area for a long time. Such principle is the basis of different classical types of laser and photo-epilation. In such cases not only a hair is heated, but the skin around it as well. It creates pain. Also, it must be mentioned that light reddening of processed area of skin may be observed, which can last from several minutes until several days.
Cold laser epilation method by means of neodymium laser is selective. Rays have impact only on hair. For this reason only a light tingle is felt on the processed area during the procedure. Due to its painlessness and safety, cold neodymium laser epilation is successfully used on the most delicate areas, such as face, neck, bikini and arm-pits. Compared to photo-epilation, no hair grows after laser epilation and consequently no irritation and inflammation is observed.
There are number of methods of hair-removal in esthetic medicine:
· Waxing
· Enzymic depilation (creams, gels)
· Electrolysis
· Photo-epilation
· Laser epilation
Multi-year successful experience has shown that alexandrite laser is the most effective means of laser epilation. This method of epilation solves the problem of undesired hair permanently after 3-5 procedures. Besides, falling of hair and termination of their growth is observed after the first procedure.
Scientists from USA, Germany, France, Italy and Russia continue working on improvement of existing alexandrite laser, which ensures the most effective parameters of working. Modern alexandrite laser rays penetrate into hair roots and it has full impact only on hair follicle during moving through upper layers of skin. Laser ray destroys hair roots by means of thermal energy as it uses melanin contained by hair follicle.
Short duration of alexandrite laser pulse allows you to make softer epilation on dark hair and light color skin without any undesired affects. Due to pulse mode laser epilation becomes softer as short pulses leave enough time to upper layers of skin for releasing of thermal energy without causing any harm. Correctly selected duration of impulse is the main condition for removal of hair effectively.
· Procedure speed is 3-4 times higher compared to other types of laser. It takes 30 minutes to make epilation of shin. 10 minutes are enough for epilation of arm-pits. Growth of speed is achieved by means of special scanner, which processes area of 6 sq/cm at single time. It evaluates skin color and type of hair and determines the most effective parameters of epilation.
· Up-to-date cooling system allows to have epilation procedures without any pain, which is very important during processing of such sensitive areas as arm-pits, bikini and lip area.
· It allows epilation of any kind of hair (except for grey hair as it doesn’t contain any melanin);
· 3-8 procedures are enough for removal of undesired hair completely.
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